Arealight Custom Work :: Colors :: Sand Green

Sand Green

Color Sand Green


Sand Green Headscarf

Simple but stylish, the Headscarf accessory is the perfect compliment to the Tentacle Head!

*Fits for tentacle head ONLY*

Our price: $0.50
Sand Green Breezy Hair

There’s nothing like the wind in your minifig’s hair, so give your fig this great look with the Breezy Hair! Perfect for both male and female figs, the Breezy Hair is a versatile hair style that can suit all types of minifigs!

Our price: $1.00
Sand Green Mullet

No minifig hair rocks harder than the Mullet! The essential hair piece for the toughest of figs, it’s always business in front and party in the back with the Mullet!

Our price: $1.00